Nose is between the most important organs in our body. It is a part of the vital respiratory system, which supplies body with oxygen and releases it from carbon dioxide. It is also our olfactory organ, without which we could not receive important information from our environment, shortly linked with the smell of people, objects, substances. Polluted air in the big cities, the respiratory viral infections, various forms of allergic rhinitis, as well as chronic inflammations such as sinusitis and rhinitis can be quite unpleasant and even dangerous to human health if they are not treated in time. A reliable helper for maintaining your nasal cavity in good health is the Herbal Spray for nose of VITA HERBALITY. With its completely natural formula, spray provides a gentle and extremely effective method for solving your problems with the nose and the entire nasal cavity. The spray is available in a glass bottle of 30 ml. The composition of the spray includes herbal blend of geranium and mint, propolis, as well as geranium essential oil.
Intake: Spray after shaking in each nostril 3 to 4 times a day. Store in a refrigerator when not in use.