The liver is one of the main regulatory organs in our body. In fact, it is quite similar as action to the oil filter in cars.

It successfully neutralizes allergens in blood, attacking viruses, parasites, pathogenic bacteria and toxic chemicals that threaten our  health.   Every minute liver filters about 2 liters of blood, and factors that are threatening its health and functions are many  – regular abuse of harmful foods and alcohol, smoking, chronic stress, lack of healthy sleep, the consequences of hepatitis and much more.  Contaminated liver has serious consequences for human health. Its clogging with toxins leads to a decrease in its functions, which in turn cancause  various health problems. The functions of the liver are quite varied. It regulates metabolism, produces the necessary enzymes for proper digestion, transforms vitamins and minerals into a form digestible for our body, regulates blood sugar and more.  All said above requires regular and proper care of the liver, its regular cleansing and maintaining its good health. A wonderful and easy to use option is the prophylactic intake of Pure Liver Tincture of VITA HERBALITY. The tincture is available in a glass bottle of 100 ml. It contains a herbal blend of milk thistle, licorice, agrimony , walnut, thyme and yarrow.

Intake: To be taken in the morning and in the evening at least 30 minutes before or after a meal, 1 teaspoon / 4 ml. / of the tincture dissolved in 150 ml. water.