They cannot develop or reproduce on their own, so they need a human or animal cell in which to settle and reproduce. Along with the healthy host cells, viruses can also infect bacterial cells. Viruses most often enter the body through the nose, mouth or skin lesions. They seek to infect the cell that is suitable for their development. The common cold usually affects the cells of respiratory tract, and the gastrointestinal viruses affect the digestive system. The effective stimulation of immunity with appropriate natural remedies in the right time can protect the human body from the attacks of insidious viruses. Herbal Shield – AB Tincture of VITA HERBALITY is an indispensable tool for stimulation of body’s defenses and successful dealing with viral infections. The tincture is available in a glass bottle of 100 ml. Its composition includes a herbal blend of blueberry, milk thistle, clover, eleutherococcus, echinacea, St. John’s wort, sweet wormwood, broadleaf plantain, lavender, walnut, rowan, cinquefoil, burdock, licorice and corn-silk .
Intake: To be taken in the morning and in the evening at least 30 minutes before or after a meal, 1 teaspoon / 4 ml. / of the tincture dissolved in 150 ml. water.